Italian heritage is much more than the world-famous art and cuisine. The complexity of modern life intertwined with historical monuments in Italy is continually enchanting visitors and turning them into ex-pats. A sincere pleasure of indulgent way of life that most Italians lead rubs off easily. Enjoying food and drinks, culture, and natural beauty in all its forms in a fast-paced world is true art. Moving to Italy is bound to teach you to appreciate it.
Advantages of moving to Italy
Life in every country has its advantages and disadvantages, but in the case of Italy, the pros outweigh the cons. Hectic life and crowds in popular destinations are a necessary evil of relying on tourism, but laid-back Italians find peaceful spots and simple pleasures with ease. The Italian countryside, however, is not as crowded as big centers. Scenic towns across the peninsula offer the most desirable work-life balance incorporating
- Easy-going lifestyle
- Affordable living costs
- Historic landmarks at every step
- Cultural richness
- Picturesque landscapes
- Vast transportation options
- Variety and abundance of high-quality food and wine
It is too easy listing the benefits of moving to Italy. The real challenge is deciding what to do first once you move.

The ability to harmoniously mix new and old has put Italian cities among the most popular destinations in the world, for short and long visits alike.
The Italian lifestyle is based on traditions that take place for centuries. Family and religion are, beyond doubt, foundations their society is built upon. Hence, visitors inevitably warm-up for the genuine sense of togetherness witnessed throughout Italy. Generations sitting together in family-owned restaurants, enjoying slow food and a quick coffee, is a fairly common sight.
Moreover, the Italian lifestyle seems to follow a simple rule: we know what we have and we’ll find time to savor it. And they do. Every region in Italy has been dedicated to improving a specific product to perfection. While you can enjoy a taste of Italy in the States and many other countries around the world, nothing beats the real thing.
Nightlife is a vital part of lifestyle for social Italians. Complemented with exquisite fresh food, quality wine, and delicious sweets, their enthusiastic outlook sweeps away (un)suspecting visitors.
Affordable living
Major tourist zones in Italy are expensive, but so it is in every other country. However, the Italian countryside is equally or more beautiful and costs less. Logically, when you decide to move overseas, it will be to enjoy the best things in life at an affordable rate. Moving to Italy can accomplish that. Moreover, eating local food doesn’t have only financial benefits; it is fresh, tasty, and produced nearby. Italians are proud of their produce and cuisine and, thus, the relative absence of popular fast-food chains is notable.

Diversity is what makes every region in Italy so unique and attractive and Italians are rightfully proud of it.
Housing costs and bills tend to drop significantly as you move away from the big tourist centers. So, to get the most for your money after moving to Italy, opt for a home in the Italian countryside. True, you will have to learn Italian to get around but if George Clooney could do it why can’t you? Furthermore, conveniently lower living costs on the outskirts of big cities don’t imply that you are cut off from the rest of the world. If you plan to settle in Italy with your kids, know that you can count on excellent public schools and equally good public healthcare. School lunches are expectedly delicious, healthy, and varied.
Ease of traveling
Exploring Italy after the move is not only encouraged, but expected. The network of public transportation is connecting small and big cities alike. Fast trains will comfortably take you wherever you wish, especially if you prefer to travel to Venice with kids. Big cities are not car-friendly, streets tend to be narrow, parking spots insufficient, and heading downtown by car can quickly ruin the impression. Hence, owning a Vespa in Italy is not a cliché but a great convenience.
If you get a flair for traveling after moving to Italy, neighboring countries will be a short, low-cost flight away. Italy itself is well covered by affordable flights, too. However, the true beauty of Italy can be discovered only if you travel by car or motorbike. Good motorways will take you close enough even to the medieval, hilltop villages. Traveling around doesn’t cost much and pays off greatly in the bounty of experience.

Locally grown fresh produce is a trademark of Italy and a basis for its world-famous cuisine.
Weather and scenery
Another benefit of affordable and comfortable travel by train in Italy is the ability to enjoy the spectacular scenery. The specific geographic location allows for a diverse landscape. Italy has it all. Mountain ranges, valleys, hills, lakes and rivers, beaches, islands, and even volcanoes. The landscape is dotted with vineyards and olive groves which are a basis for their excellent wine and oil.
The largest part of Italy settles in the Mediterranean climate zone granting hot sunny summers and cold and humid winters. The weather in general favors the outdoor lifestyle. On the other hand, the Italian countryside provides opportunities for walking, cycling, swimming, horse riding, and relaxation. With so many sunny days, things to do and places to see, moving to Italy feels like an indefinitely extended holiday.
Cradle of art
There are not many countries in the world that incorporate modern and ancient so harmoniously as Italy does. Historic centers have been built around churches, administrative buildings, and squares humming with life. Not much has changed over the centuries except that most towns have spread past their historic centers and their residents are richer for distinctive pieces of art and architecture. Every single town in Italy carries a piece of its long history at its core and is worth exploring. While visiting the pillars of art and culture in major cities is inevitable, touring the countryside will reveal more pearls than you can count.
(Written by Guest Author: Sophia Perry)